Grouptraining | Level 1

GROUPTRAINING LEVEL 1: 6 weeks / 3 times per week

Level 1 is a health course, looking into the 3 major aspects of your health: exercise, nutrition and sleep.

In level 1 you train 3 times a week, getting challenged more and more every week. We aim to get you moving better and stronger around all the major joints.

In level 1 we want to get your body adapted to basic exercises like squats, hinges, pushes and pulls. Making sure you know how to challenge your body in a SAFE way, is extremely important. You will learn a lot about the function of the core musculature, stability, mobility, strength and how to implement certain exercises to your daily routine.

Living a life with a body that works WITH you, without any restrictions or limitations. That’s what we work for.

Next to the physical training, every week has different theory topics. Here we address health topics such as:
– training principles
– macro nutrients
– meal options
– stress levels
– morning routines
– cold therapy
– breathing therapy 

We have seen great physical as well as life changing mental results after our level 1 course.

Mon – Wed – Fri from 17:45h to 19:00h.

Sign up below & get ready to get fit!

*Grouptrainings proceed when at least 8 people signed up. We will notify you when there are changes in the trainingschedule.