
Level 3 was a very nice logic follow up on the previous levels. Everything we learned in level 1 and 2 came together.

I feel like a real sport person now that we’ve done some serious deadlifts for a few weeks. The fact that we increased weight every sessions gave the lessons a game aspect which was very fun and motivating.

Best idea ever! Good in the summer but also very do-able in the winter!

Grouptraining Level 2: 8 weeks / 2x per week


New groups will be announced soon! Keep an eye on our Instagram for updates & inspiration: @go_outdoortraining.

New Level2 grouptrainings will be announced soon!

In the meantime, keep an eye on our Instagram account @go_outdoortraining for updates & inspiration!

Group training 8 weeks level 2

Group Training 6 weeks

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